Spread the Love
Would you like to help those in need? You can by donating to the Love Kitchen! We are funded entirely by private donations and 100 percent of your monetary contribution goes directly toward food and/or operating costs. Your donations of supplies or food are used for the Love Kitchen’s facility, pantry, and emergency food bags.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, you may do so online by using the “Donate Online Now” button below or sending it to our mailing address:
The Love Kitchen
P.O. Box 6839
Knoxville, TN 37914
If you have a donation of physical items, you may bring them by the Love Kitchen building during business hours listed at the bottom of the page or call our main number (865) 546-3248 to make other arrangements. We do not offer pick up of any items at this time.
Thank you very much for helping the Love Kitchen meet our goals!
Vehicle Donations
If you have a car, van, SUV, or even a truck you would like to donate to The Love Kitchen; we will put it to use picking up food donations and supplies and delivering meals to the elderly, disabled, and homebound.
You receive a tax deduction for your donation and The Love Kitchen receives a vehicle to help meet the needs of the hungry and needy of the East Tennessee region.
We do ask that it be in reasonable shape and running condition. We can’t afford to put lots of money into a vehicle in order to make it roadworthy and able to be used by our organization.
Interested in making a vehicle donation? Contact us by email or phone below.

Legacy of Love
From their earliest memories, Helen and Ellen were taught that they should always seek to help make the lives of the people around them better and to be a positive influence in their community. By starting and building The Love Kitchen, the sisters more than met that goal and have also created awareness and change literally around the world.
This mission continues to be fulfilled through the generous and much-appreciated support of all our donors throughout the year. Many have also asked for a way to automatically donate every month in order to ensure the continuation of this important task instilled in Helen and Ellen by their parents.
With this in mind, the Board of Directors created the “Legacy of Love” which is an on-going monthly giving campaign to build a consistent group of donors who are interested in ensuring the mission of Helen and Ellen that “no one should ever go hungry” never has to end.
If you would like to join the growing number of donors who enjoy the convenience as well as the satisfaction of knowing their money is going to help such an important cause, please sign up using the button below.