Started With Love
On February 14, 1986, the Love Kitchen began its mission, serving 22 people in a small church in east Knoxville. Today, the Love Kitchen has its own building about two blocks from where it started.
The Love Kitchen provides meals, clothing and emergency food packages to homebound, homeless and unemployed people of all races and faiths. We work with local agencies to provide meals, secure used clothing, and donate services with the goal of promoting the self-sufficiency of those we serve.
All donations go to those who need it most. Our purpose is to provide nourishment for anyone who is hungry and to establish a community center to serve as a haven supporting area children and their families.
The Inside Scoop.
Feeding God’s People
Our all-volunteer team serves more than 3,000 meals a week and delivers more than 80 percent of those meals to the elderly, disabled, and homebound.
From their earliest childhood memories, Helen and Ellen’s father taught them “Three Truths” that they would carry throughout the rest of their lives.
♥ There is only one Father and that is the Father in Heaven.
♥ There is only one race: the human race.
♥ Never take the last piece of bread. Someone may come by in need of it.
Fueled by Volunteer Power
From the beginning, Helen wanted the Love Kitchen to run solely on volunteer power. Today, we honor that spirit of volunteerism by operating almost entirely with unpaid staff.
How Do We It
Through the generous donations of time and resources from our wonderful volunteers, sponsors and donors.
We Need Each Other
At the Love Kitchen, we need you to help provide food to shut-ins and those who can’t cook for themselves.
What You Get Out of It
Scientific studies have found that volunteering has resulted in a lower likelihood of dementia and in general, a better overall health for the person doing it. But you’ll also gain a new perspective on your own life by witnessing the magic of the Love Kitchen unfold through your actions truly making a positive difference in the life of someone who needs it the most.
For example, many of our recipients have no visitors other than our once-a-week meal delivery driver. By providing a smiling face, a joyful heart, and on top of that, delicious meals prepared with love; you’ll be making a positive addition to the life of another person with only a small investment of time each week. Visit our Volunteer page below to learn more.